Check out our “90 Days of Summer” Profiles

Come Be A Part Of Our Magazine

Promote Your Articles, Stories, or Blogs

Be a Contributing Writer / Blogger for FIRST COAST LIFE!

  • ONE YEAR on FCL website listing page free in exchange for content (just one your best articles or stories) each month
  • Cover Shot is built for your profile image and other marketing collateral.
  • Your own Archives page for a summary of all of your articles with links
  • Links to your website and social media
  • Your articles posted to our FCL Facebook page with full credit
  • Best articles in our weekly newsletter

Get Featured On Our Homepage – Story of the Day

As part of our mission to empower the writers and bloggers of the First Coast Community, we are running the first-ever FCL homepage feature with the goal to showcase unique articles and feature the best creators of the community. 

Our goal is to give talented writers / bloggers the exposure and recognition they deserve by commemorating their work on the FCL website.

As a team, we wanted to provide an exciting and different opportunity to give all of you more exposure channels and a unique opportunity to be part of the FCL brand. 

You always maintain the rights to your submissions.

The purpose of your author spotlight and listing is to create interest in your portfolio, send visitors to your website, and connect readers with you on social media.

Head over to Submit Photos / Stories – FirstCoast.Life to upload your article(s) today! 

Always Free to submit a great story even if you don’t have time now to start your profile page. 

Contact us for any questions or help to get started …

FCL Contributor Lucille Giardino Cortese
“What a cool system to share my stories and services to the community. The cover shot is beautiful”
Lucy Cortese

FCL Contributor Teri Blake