Photographers - Put Yourself Out There
2024 Special Offer (Limited) – Lifetime Membership Only $60
Photographers and Videographers
Showcase YOUR Unique Images and Tell Your Great Story …
Our goal is to give talented photographers the exposure and recognition they deserve by commemorating their work on the FCL website.
As a team, we wanted to provide an exciting platform to give all of you more exposure to our community and a unique opportunity to be part of the FCL brand.
Share photos that showcase a special feeling and that have strong compositions, sound technical skills, creativity, and originality.
You always maintain the rights to your submissions.
The purpose of your photographer spotlight and listing is to create interest in your portfolio, send visitors to your website, and connect readers with you on social media.
ONE YEAR… LIFETIME Profile with Gallery on FCL Website Listings Page- Display your BEST high-quality images on our Photographers Page
- Personal interview (Spotlight) “20 Questions” post to website and Facebook
- Links to your website and social media with leads emailed directly to you
- Your images turned into “Cover Shots” and posted to home page and social media
- Your Spotlight and best images featured in our weekly newsletter
$600 $60 Membership Fee
Frequently Asked Questions
When we finish reading your profile, we want to feel like we’ve just had a 30 minute coffee with you. You want to funnel the right people your way, so spend the time to tell us who you are. Our most clicked Creative Profiles are open, honest, serious, fun, and thoughtful. We want to get as many eyeballs on you as possible!
If your Creative Profile is accepted, we’ll publish it and email you the link. Take the time to answer the questions on a separate Google form before submitting them, since it will be public once we publish it. You will be able to revise your answers as things change, but the first draft you submit will be published with grammar and spell checking services by our team.
We think about 15-30 minutes, but some of these questions are deep. And you probably haven’t had the time to think about all this stuff. When do you give yourself the time to sit back and think about who you are, how you got there, where you want to go, and who you want to meet? Give yourself some ME time and put it out into the world.
What we’ve seen is that people who get work based on their profile tend to write just the right amount. I know, “right” — what a loaded word. If you’re unsure, ask us and we’ll let you know if your answers are too short/long.
Yes. We feature your Spotlight and Profile in our newsletter (typically at different times) for maximum exposure. The real benefit is all the people who are actively looking and poking around the site. We’re a real site, with real views (50k per month in 2023). We’re in it for the long haul.
The first application is the most important. So please, take the time to get it ready to be published. We totally understand that things change, and we encourage you to email us if you need to make updates or changes. That is the beauty of digital vs. print! And your story lives on forever that you can share many times over in your marketing.

Andy & Arlo – St. Augustine
“A great way for photographers to present their images professionally, and get new exposure to people that are not always on social media”
Andy Ledner

Kram Kran Photo – Jacksonville
“What a cool system to share my images and services to the community. And I just LOVE my cover shot”
Mark Krancer