Check out our “90 Days of Summer” Profiles

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Add An Event

For post to Events section on website (needs approval before going live)

You WILL NEED to login / register if you’re uploading a photo gallery

Content (* Required)

Event Title*
Event Location Physical Address (google address and map)
Event Link (from website or social media)
Event Date & Time
Event End Time (optional)
Featured Image REQUIRED (Logo or Photo - Ideally minimum size 300x300)
Maximum file size: 1,000 MB
only accept jpeg, gif, png, bmp, and tiff
Event Header Image (1 image allowed - ideally horizontal orientation)
Maximum file size: 1,000 MB
only accept jpeg, gif, png, bmp, tiff, and webp
Event Description
Event Location (for search)
Event Category (Option for Multiple Select)
OPTIONAL - Event Media Gallery (For Multiple Images in Post. 5 Allowed) - REQUIRES Login/Register
Maximum file size: 1,000 MB
only accept jpeg, gif, png, bmp, and tiff

Login (or Registration) Required