When understanding the journey of a writer that undergoes a persona known as Word Revolt, there first must be a choice to believe in the abstract. A person who has concisely decided to live each day through the pages of a dictionary while keeping one foot in a constant dream. A place where all creatives are encouraged to share, repurpose, and master their craft to an extent gratifying to personal wonders. A world where art is free to roam while nurturing the very hand in a life that is sustainable to the basic human condition. My Name is Todd Rykaczewski, better known as Word Revolt but most importantly an individual on a mission to explore this world through the process of imagination over logic.

Thanks for your time. So tell us in what part of the First Coast do you reside now and how long have you lived there?
From coast to coast rather it is born in California or harboring in Jacksonville beach time has been dominated by elusive stories full of wonder about what might wash up next on a beach. In this case, Jacksonville has been a six-year beachcombing experience.
Why and how did you get started?
At 10 years old, I was asked to write a paper on Abraham Lincoln and that’s what I did. Then came the day of that fateful moment as the teacher walked through the isles of desks handing back the assignment to each student, placing the papers calmly one by one on the desks. The teacher stopped at my station and slammed the paper firmly as to get my attention and to pull my mind out of daydreaming. I looked up and her face without a grin said, “See me after class.” The students filed out of the room when the bell rang and the only two people left in the space were a poet and a historian. Stuck perched in a green plastic chair next to her desk the educator went on to flip through my paper only to ask me why it was so poetic in construction. She went on to question its rhythmic nature and then judged the lack of common structured sentences. With not much opportunity to stand up for myself, I was simply told to take the paper back and make it less poetic. After a week, there we were again sitting in the same chairs waiting to be judged. The teacher without looking at the cover page flips open the paper and realizes that I had made it all one long poem. Out of anger, she slams the paper onto her desk and reads the cover, a blank page that simply read, Word Revolt.
From there, Word Revolt transformed into a pamphlet stapled together and handed out amongst peers. Shortly after the staples were removed and hand-bound spines of leather were added, as the pamphlet grew thicker in size. Through college, multiple papers on writing the English language were turned in under the persona of Word Revolt, eventually leading to the published version that would later take me across the country on a renegade book tour, landing in Florida out of the need of a home without wheels. Shortly after the ultimate encounter happened between a poet and friend who would later help realize the future of art mixed with writing in Jacksonville. Together, they would imagine a place where art is free, uninhibited, and for everyone from every walk of life. Soon, 1249 Mayport Road, Word Revolt Art Gallery blossomed into reality. A venue that is %100 free to all artists, non-profits, or anyone willing to express a positive, creative, future.

What aspect of your business are you passionate about?
Recently a youth walked into the gallery towing an oxygen tank. Their back is composed of metal that is adjusted through surgery as They grow. On top of that, this four-foot warrior has exceptionally small lungs for the associated age. That aside, art continues to be a major benefactor to what little energy is available to navigate each day. For that one moment, exhibition and friendship there should always be a free art gallery.
How did you get the idea or concept for your business?
Ideas has a mighty way of hitchhiking off a person already driving down a particular road. In this case, all that needed to be done was for the vehicle to slow and the passenger door to be unlocked.
From the outset, what would you say was your mission?
Traditionally this journey transpired out of personal expression to showcase wordplay and its many exciting malfunctions. Then as we get older and feel less isolated in middle age a sense of companionship forms that hopefully leads all of us to share our strengths and weaknesses. Leaving almost all beginnings and endings with some formation of the groundwork we as a collective identify as community.

What are your goals for the company?
When did you start your business?
From the moment a marking tool made sense between the paper and mind.
What made you choose to operate your business in its current location?
The environment is a function of circumstance that deals in chaos. A bird migrates to follow weather conditions while a skunk refuses to live in Florida. Both being a prime example of the unpredictability of the creative spirit that believes in free space for all. Given that very opportunity, Mayport in Atlantic Beach was not the friendliest of neighborhoods six years ago. Still, with every home with a pleasant sense of life lived a heart. Some would call this location chance but in a modern twist on wishing there was a need for art and everything creatives bring to rebuilding tired streets.
Can you give us a brief background on service(s) or product(s) you offer and the people you serve?
The service provided is a reflection of the community’s needs. Constantly changing and forever learning.

What is a unique attribute/aspect/quality/feature about your business?
Word Revolt is free.
How many employees make it happen at Word Revolt?
Out of inspiration to expand the free art initiative volunteers oversee the creative project to provide a platform that is beneficial to artists, charity and the community.
What qualities do you look for in an employee?
If the ocean starts calling each wave a title at that moment none of us are free. +6+
As a business owner, tell us what some of your responsibilities are?
If a feather falling off a bird could contemplate later scenarios of being used as a quill, all leaders would have prewritten a novel. Tomorrow the sun will rise and another bird will fly overhead.

How has Covid affected your business?
In a world that collapsed there was an opportunity for great adventures into the unknown. With a twist or three virtual reality became home to Word Revolt tossing a local gallery into international connectivity. Through the use of a headset that powered new planets one of a kind environment was molded. Word Revolt Art Gallery in virtual reality. A first-of-its-kind platform that allowed viewers to explore art from all over the world from the safety of a couch.
How do you advertise your business?
Being kind.
To what do you attribute your success?
Take one step. Then follow up with a million more.
Does your company help with or get involved in any community projects?
Word Revolt has hosted over 60 exhibitions, shown 400 artists, and collaborated with 20 nonprofits & schools.
If you could offer one piece of advice for someone who’s just starting a business, what would it be?
The funny thing about watching the grass grow is that you’ll always be expecting a seed. Sometimes a yard falls apart, a tree is planted but in the end it’s your view.
Personal hobbies or interests? Family?
Water dragons that are better known as Koi are fluid inspirations but thick hours always lead to words.
What’s the best thing for you about living on the First Coast?
In a small moment, a beautiful person found inspiration to share the meaning of love. For that, a writer will forever have an editor.
Where and how can folks learn more about your business? Links to your website?
Is there anything else that you want to tell everyone reading this?
If it’s not liquid it’s not free, if it’s not free it’s not liquid.

UPDATE June 23, 2022
We would like to thank the community of Atlantic Beach and the Jacksonville art scene for your years of friendship, support, and collaboration in the journey to provide a brighter future in the arts. It’s because of people like you that artists can dream big with ambition only restricted to the size of their imagination.
With that said, we’re excited to announce that Todd’s next novel has started to gain serious traction and will be taking us out on a multi-year, cross-country book tour starting in July. Not only that, Theresa has accepted a position as the Museum Registrar at Radford University. Between traveling and the new position, we have decided to move our gallery closer to Virginia and will no longer be at 1249 Mayport Road. This was not an easy decision, but Word Revolt simply can’t be its true self without the two of us behind the helm and the distance will be too great to uphold our standards.
Also, six years has brought many lessons but the most import lesson was learning how important it is to not only be about the community but keep an international mind set. Through technology, innovation and global dependence on virtual venues there really is no limit on the amount of people who can be reached. In fact, while we have been at this location WR has had over 60 exhibitions/events, showcased around 500 artists and has partnered with 20 or so charities and schools. Now, as more and more art blooms on Mayport and the area rises from the shadows it’s time for us to find another underserved community. One that has all the potential of 1249 but just needs some creatives to believe in the power of art!
Come see us at the final show this Saturday, June 25th from 5 to 8 pm, for the “The Blue Sanctuary Experience” with sculpture by Eric & Nikole Cooney.