Operation New Uniform

Operation New Uniform

Restoring Warriors’ Identities. Building Veterans’ Careers.
8825 Perimeter Park Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32216, USA


Operation New Uniform™ (ONU), founded in 2014, has established itself as a trendsetter in the veteran service organization space. Our mission is to ensure all our nations Veteran’s have a successful transition after service. 97% of ONU Veterans who complete our program find a career within 4 months of completion. Our success is attributed to treating each Veteran as an individual, serving as many Veterans as possible without reducing quality, and meticulously tracking the results and successes of our Veterans.

At Operation New Uniform™, we are serving and building a family of professional Veterans who are determined to grow, build back their confidence and find that successful career that they deserve after service while also helping us grow our organization and aid in the success of the next cycle of ONU Veterans.

Partnering with Operation New Uniform™ means focusing on the greatest need, impacting the most Veterans nationally, which is ensuring our nation’s Veterans have a successful transition, a fulfilling career, and the means to continue serving the business community and supporting their families.

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