St. Johns Riverkeeper, Inc.

St. Johns Riverkeeper, Inc.

The Voice For The River
2800 University Blvd N, Jacksonville, FL 32211, USA


To defend the St. Johns River and advocate for its protection.

St. Johns RIVERKEEPER is a privately-funded, independent, and trusted voice for the St. Johns River and the public to whom it belongs. We are a 501(c)(3) organization and rely on the support of our members, donors, and volunteers to accomplish our mission.

A thriving St. Johns River Watershed that sustains healthy ecosystems for future generations.

St. Johns RIVERKEEPER accomplishes its mission by:

  • Patrolling the river on a regular basis in our St. Johns RIVERKEEPER boat the Kingfisher captained by our SJRK River Patrol.
  • Investigating pollution problems and demanding accountability.
  • Ensuring that our environmental laws and regulations are implemented and enforced.
  • Advocating for sensible solutions and necessary policy changes to better protect the St. Johns.
  • Educating the public about the St. Johns River and the issues impacting its health.
  • Developing high-quality educational resources and programs.
  • Provides frequent opportunities for students and the general public to experience the river through boat trips and field trips.
  • Informing, involving, and engaging our members and the community in the efforts to protect and restore the river’s health.
  • Participating in the public policy decision-making process to represent the interests of the river, our members, and the public.
    Working with citizens to effectively resolve problems impacting the river in their neighborhoods and communities.


St. Johns RIVERKEEPER is a member of the Waterkeeper Alliance. Today, Waterkeeper Alliance is the world’s fastest-growing environmental movement, with over 300 Waterkeeper Organizations protecting rivers, lakes, and coastal waterways on 6 continents.

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