Southlight Gallery

Southlight is a collaborative of over 25 local artists creating a new venue for progressive art in Jacksonville.
1 Independent Drive #113 Jacksonville, Florida


Southlight is a collaborative of over 25 local artists creating a new venue for progressive art in Jacksonville.

Director Michael Dunlap and local architect, embraced the opportunity to reunite artists from the former “Southlight” Exhibitions, which date back to the mid 1980’s. Our mission is to provide a community involved art space where local artists may show and sell their own works with limited gallery fees.

Our collaborative efforts have curated prominent annual exhibitions, including: ArtWalk exhibitions, Monthly Member and Guest Exhibitions, sponsored bi-annual patron exhibitions, 9 UNF Student and Faculty exhibitions, and 4 Juried Summer Guest exhibitions, that have hosted 200+ local guest artists.

Looking Forward
We have excelled in building our reputation as one of the most integral art resources in Downtown Jacksonville. Currently, we are proposing a permanent location where we will continue our efforts to produce quality, well thought out Exhibitions throughout the year, which includes expanded space for members, guest, our UNF ArtSpace, artist studios, space lectures, classrooms, workshops, and other community projects.

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