Rescue Pets Of The First Coast

Thanks for your time! What’s your name and where do you live on the First Coast?
My name is Crusty and I’m somewhere around three years old, but I’m not exactly sure. I’m super lucky to get to live in Neptune Beach. It’s like a paradise here!
What breed are you? Do you even know? Best Guess?
I’m pretty sure I’ve got some pity in me. I’m sorta like that little teapot, short and stout. But I think I can be best described as a Lowrider, a dachshund pitbull!

So how did you come into this family?
Well, after I got rescued from the woods in Mayport, my mama came and got me from the lady that saved me on A1A. At first it was just me and mama, but even though she took me to work with her, and I was happy just to be included, she thought I needed somebody to play with so she went out and brought Sockey home so I’d have a friend to play with all day while she works.

Describe your perfect day.
Oh wow! Every day is perfect now that I have a loving home! But almost every day mama takes me to Hanna Park early in the morning and we run on the beach and watch the sun come up and roll around in the sand, and there’s really no better way to start the day than that! At least not that I’ve seen yet…. Then we go home and eat and get ready to go to work. Then I can take naps or watch the people come in and get their hair cut or nibble on Mr Sock’s (Sockey) ears or chew on his leg or take more naps. It’s like every day is perfect!

What things don’t you like?
As much as I love running on the beach, I don’t like that water at all! Mama goes swimming a lot but I’m content to watch her from the beach. She took me out pretty far one day, you know, like up to her waist and let me go. I heard her tell somebody later that I was a really good swimmer because she never saw anyone get back to the beach faster than me.
Are you ever naughty?
Define naughty. I do bite mama’s boyfriend’s legs every chance I get and I guess from everyone’s reaction I shouldn’t be doing that. But I think being naughty is more like when mama gives me and Sockey a treat and I eat Sockey’s before I eat mine. That’s me being naughty.
What’s your favorite thing to do?
I think my favorite thing in the whole world is chewing on my dog bones. I never really ate much before I came home with mama so when she gives me and Sockey a bone I can just chew on that bone all day or I can crunch it fast like Snoopy did in the Charlie Brown show. It just depends on my mood.
What do your parents do?
My mama cuts hair at Embassy Barbershop and teaches Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at Blackbelt Studio BJJ.
So (owner), who rescued who?
(Kelly Beech) “Oh, I think Crusty rescued me more than I rescued him. I needed something like a dog who gives so much unconditional love to hang out with and take care of. He definitely helps keep my spirits up. And I needed something to, you know, like pal around with, and Crusty definitely keeps a smile on my face. He was so skinny and malnourished when he came out of the woods when I got him and I think he knows I saved him and the way it makes me feel to see him now, yeah, he rescued me!”

What advice would you give to folks who are thinking about adopting vs. buying a pup?
I would just say to be careful, to think twice about the specific pet you choose and where you go to get it. It’s easy to try to save an animal and then you find out that it has more health problems than met the eye, so definitely start out at a place with a good reputation like the Humane Society or any of the well-known animal shelters around the First Coast!

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Mike is a native First Coaster and was a leading figure in surfing and skateboarding for most of his life. After promoting music for many years on the local music scene, Mike now brings a unique perspective to FirstCoast.Life as a contributing writer.