Welcome to Maggie’s World!

Magnolia Blossom, aka Maggie, was rescued from a barn in south New Jersey back in 2007. Abandoned and very tiny, it was questionable if she would even survive. But she did survive and thrive!
As a result, she became very spoiled, opinionated, and developed a superiority complex. But her full figured, golden fur awesomeness made her exceptionally loveable too.
Maggie traveled from New Jersey to her current home in Northeast Florida, where she truly appreciates the warm weather and wonderful sun beams for her frequent beauty naps.
However, she has a constant struggle to understand the behavior of her parent figures. And, she has little patience for the feline mongrels who also live at her house which she has claimed as Chez Magnolia.
To satisfy her need to vent about the goings on in Chez Magnolia, Maggie writes letters to her sympathetic friends. She covers all aspects of her life including her weight loss efforts, visiting the despicable Doctors, sharing space with the other cats and her temperamental food choices.
Here is an example of one of the letters:
Dear friends,
It happens periodically. And I must add far too often.
The mother figure steps on that square thingy with the numbers and suddenly everyone in Chaz Magnolia is on a diet!
Case in point:
Two weeks of dry food torture and there seems to be no negotiating or compromise in the near future. Of the numerous options, the one called ‘Gentle Diet’ seems the most tolerable. At least the name is kind, and I need more of that in my life these days.
I constantly ask myself why? What are they thinking? I’ve been given some cockamamie stories about losing weight and needing it to offset future hairballs. I reiterate the extent of their evilness. I dare not tell them it isn’t working for fear they will eliminate this food too. So, I will continue to hack up slimy hairballs in places that take days to discover. I do find some sense of victory and humor.

In another letter, she seeks solace regarding a recent Doctor’s visit:
Dear friends,
It has taken me a few weeks to be able to speak of the dastardly deeds that were done to me last week. Traumatic to say the least!
As you can see, I was again caged in the carrier like a common cat. Let me tell you those accommodations are tight! Plus, I was bumped around being totted around and plunked on the car’s front seat directly in a draft of cold air. I can’t afford to catch a chill you know.
But it went downhill from there. The Doctor with the icy hands looked in my mouth, eyes, ears and did unmentionable things with that temperature thingy! What’s up with that?
I was then subjected to being gagged by his attempts to get me to swallow pills. If he wasn’t holding my perfectly freckled lips together, I would have bit him…hard!
My only rebellious response to this mistreatment when I arrived home, was to strategically place some poo outside the litter box.
Hmmm-Maybe that’s what landed me at the Dr. in the first place.

And so the letters continue.
They are all contained in the book Maggie’s World, written by Maggie with a little help from her mother figure. You will enjoy her letters and photos, laugh at her antics, sympathize with her struggles, and fall in love with her quirky personality.
Guaranteed to make you smile!
Maggie’s World is available on Amazon. Or you can contact the mother figure at lmitchell4261@yahoo.com for a signed and autographed copy, or to find out where they are available locally.
Linda Schilling Mitchell is the author of Maggie’s World, My Color-Full Florida and “Dear Miss Schneider, Please excuse Walter…” all available on Amazon.

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Linda Schilling Mitchell has spent 99% of her life in Florida. She enjoys warm weather, the sights and sounds of the ocean and anything and everything to do with her family.
After retiring from the Hotel/Hospitality industry, she spent three years writing Florida history articles for a newspaper in south Florida. These articles were the inspiration for her book My Color-Full Florida.
My book “Dear Miss Schneider, Please excuse Walter…” takes place during the Great Depression, and is a tribute to her mother Victoria Schneider who was a third grade teacher during 1937-1940. It gives a personal look at family life during those difficult years.
And Maggie’s World, well that was Maggie’s idea!
My Color-Full Florida
“Dear Miss Schneider, Please excuse Walter…”
Maggie’s World
One Response
Maggie found her own personal Rescue Angel with Linda and her entourage!