Old age recycles the body
Infant once pink turns blue
Nature recalls with rapid speed
To complete life’s circle anew
Fuzzy hairs on baldy top
Steps and thoughts are staid
Alpha becomes Omega
When life’s mean trick is played
Baby teeth all whisked away
Clacking dentures enter in
Waking all night to drink and pee
Child is birthed once again
Drooling, burping, napping
Gramps? Or babe in arms?
Gates and door latch always locked
Protect them from all harm
Words all jumbled and garbled
Meds and laxatives to endure
Suckle Mama’s breast milk
Guzzle strawberry Ensure
Feed me. Bathe me. Nurse me.
Nursery? Or Nursing Home?
Confined by bed or playpen
Please don’t leave me alone!
Rock-a-bye baby, cradle and all
Grandpa’s rocker might tumble and fall
What’s the difference? Hard to tell
Newborn Heaven? Or geezer Hell?
Daddy pays all the bills
Uncle Sam’s the Papa in the end
Pampers protection for today
Tomorrow? that….Depends!
- About the Author
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Living my personal mission statement, “Each One, Teach One,” my greatest blessing is being the mother of two, grandmother of three and a lifelong educator. A graduate of UF and UNF, I am the former principal of St. Paul’s Catholic School in Jacksonville Beach, Florida and executive director of Tree Hill Nature Center in Jacksonville.
Since retirement my avocation is now my vocation – freelance writing. The technical writing of past professional life evolved into more creative genres of poetry, short fiction and memoir. My goal is to invoke the entire spectrum of human emotions in my reader: longing to laughter, pain to promise, despair to discernment.
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Lucky Lucy. We are here.