What’s your name and what fills your time?
My name is Tracy “Dot Com” Collins and these days it is all about the #RealEstateLifeJax. I am a Realtor by trade, but I love renovations, staging, landscaping, you name it.
Tell us a little about your background story and how you got here (First Coast)

I was born in North Dakota, raised in Montana, and grew up fast in the U.S. Navy on a ship out of Mayport nicknamed The Busy Lady. Once I landed here, I knew I would never want to leave.
Anything special going on for this summer? Any passion projects or focus for the summer?

Lots of concerts in Jax and across the state. I will see Luke Bryan, Def Leppard, Janet Jackson and Stone Temple Pilots. I’m also passionate about indie film and excited for the LOL Film Fest and 48-Hour Film Project this year.
Any hobbies or interests worth telling us about?
Travel is absolutely my favorite hobby. I’ve got an Alaskan cruise that has been on the back burner, for obvious reasons, since 2020 and this summer I will be saving my frequent flyer miles to make my first Jacksonville Jaguars in the UK game day appearance.

What’s one thing (funny, different, cool) that many might not know about you?
I still sing into my hairbrush and perform to an audience of none.
What’s the best part of living here on the First Coast?

In the words of the great Gardner Minshew (former Jags QB), people in Duval are my kind of white trash. I love that I have friends with 50 cents to their name and friends who are millionaires. I hang with bleach blondes and bougie black girls. It really is the biggest small town, and I wasn’t born here… I chose to live here.
Anything else that you would like to tell the community?
Buy real estate now! Do not wait until the interest rates drop and we get another round of wealthy investors from the North and the West, driving prices out of reach. Buy now and refinance later.

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Mike is a native First Coaster and was a leading figure in surfing and skateboarding for most of his life. After promoting music for many years on the local music scene, Mike now brings a unique perspective to FirstCoast.Life as a contributing writer.