Flying saucers, toppling chairs, seniors stumbling everywhereBottle rockets full of rum and Jose Cuervo shooting into air St. Johns angry, choppy, spitting, each white cap
Step into the shoes of First Coast locals with our Anecdotal section, where everyday stories paint a vivid picture of life in Jacksonville. From heartwarming encounters and quirky local traditions to personal triumphs and community spirit, we share the real, unfiltered experiences that capture the essence of our unique coastal haven.
Flying saucers, toppling chairs, seniors stumbling everywhereBottle rockets full of rum and Jose Cuervo shooting into air St. Johns angry, choppy, spitting, each white cap
BMI on the rise LDL way too highTIAs confirmed by CT tests & MRI EKG says HR fast while BP is crashing CPAP for REM
We stumble from room to room looking for bright spots. Making do.Or perhaps we recognize we need to change. ~~~~ This piece came to me
Bump, Bump, Thud. It was the worst landing I ever had in this time machine. The hatch popped open and flung me to the ground.
Twas two weeks before Christmas and all through the house Water standing in puddles Mama starting to grouse Three pipes in the floor had all
Pink petals and emerald leaves sing out insistent summons Pick me and bring me home…my name is Tiffany Rose Siren calls the doting couple pierced
The song came to me like so many others. A line kept repeating itself in my ear. I wanna be a kid again. As I
” Look at my hand. It’s big as yours!” I stop stirring batter and wipe the sticky residue on a kitchen towel. My fingers and
MY SECRET GUIDE TO FABULOUS FOOD… WHERE I STEAL MY RECIPES I love to cook and live to eat. When I’m happy I cook. Angry
Several weeks ago, I ran across an article about little paper point & shoot cameras that are inexpensive and simple. Mastering imperfection while chasing the
“Have we met before?” My mother and I smiled at the query that we heard every night. At precisely at 9:45 pm Iris wandered the
I like umbrellas. I like the way that they keep me dry, and I love the sound that the rain makes as it patters over
“Covering” Beach Living in NE Florida. First Coast’s 1st Digital Only Storytelling Magazine promoting everything good about our people and places.
We are passionate about supporting the arts, buying local, and sharing authentic stories & amazing images that will engage and inspire our wonderful community.
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FirstCoast.Life is an online storytelling magazine serving the NE Florida community.
We are passionate about supporting the arts, buying local, and sharing the amazing stories & images that will inspire and entertain you.
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