Mike Matney

Thanks for your time. So tell us in what part of the First Coast do you reside now and how long have you lived there?
I’m not yet a first coaster, I’m a wannabe. I have a farm in Southwest,VA and the wife and I are at that age now that we’re both eyeing Florida and warmer weather. The First Coast area seems to have everything we’re looking for.
When did you know you had an interest in music?
My mom played piano in church so I grew up with music in my house. I seen a friends older brothers band playing in their parents basement one time. I was hooked

Did you start with any specific instrument and migrate to other instruments?
Yes I started on piano but the music on the radio and stuff I was listening to was so guitar oriented that I soon switched to guitar. I swiped my uncle’s old electric and never gave it back. I was 8.
Are you currently in a band (or bands)?
Yes I have 2 bands. MATNEY is my primary focus, my guys are all Austin based musicians and we’re promoting the album I did with multi- platinum artist producer Stevie Salas. “The Redneck and The Red Man”. Also, I still work with my old band White Boy And The Average Rat Band. We had an album out in the 80s that’s highly sought after by collectors worldwide bringing upwards of $1,300. We’ve toured nationally a couple of times.

Who is your favorite musician or what musician influenced you the most?
Well, probably my mom as she inspired me in those early years and made me take those lessons. Then it would be guys like Billy Gibbons. I wore the grooves out on my Tres’ Hombres album.
Are there any specific memories or highlights of your career that you would like to tell us about?
Playing the Whisky A Go Go in Hollywood is always a blast. It’s the history of who’s been on that stage . Also, when I got to briefly play for David Alan Coe, we opened for Waylon. Meeting him was pretty cool. There’s been quite a few others as well.

What area bands or musicians are at the top of your list to go out to hear?
Well, are we counting all the big boys from around here? This area has such a rich history. It’s the old “there must be something in the water” thing. I’d like to come down and catch a local festival.
Do you have a favorite venue that you enjoy playing locally?
My agent has been telling me great things about Jax Beach Festivals. Man, I’d love to be involved with that.

Do you have any gigs coming up to tell our readers about?
We’ll be in Austin August 25th for a Television appearance. Really looking forward to that. I have people working on promotions for the band right now and we would love to come hang out with you guys.
What is the best way for musicians to network?
Live shows, hands down. Although I will say social media goes a long way these days connecting people up.
Are there any local venue owners/managers that you would like to rave about?
Well, I’d like to take this opportunity to reach out and say we’d love to come play for y’all, we’ll put you on a good show, just give us a holler.

If you had a question you would like to ask another musician what would it be?
Know a good booking agent?
Personal hobbies or interests? Family?
We live on a farm up here in Virginia and my wife has horses. So I enjoy watching her fool with them. I have a studio on the farm my wife refers to as the doghouse. So I end up there a lot.

What’s the best thing for you about living on the First Coast?
It’s home. I love all the amenities. You can pretty much run the coast in a day or so and I have a lot of family here.
Where and how can folks learn more about you and/or your band? Links to your website?
www.matney.rocks or www.whiteboyandtheaverageratband.com
Is there anything else that you want to tell everyone reading this?
Yes we can touch on this with a feather, but I made a promise with the big man when I started all this a long time ago that the bigger I got the more people were gonna know I was a Christian. So there’s that. I’m a pretty crappy example of a good one, but I’m a great example of his grace.
Does your faith influence your music?Yes. In a lot of my songs with either MATNEY or WBATARB you’re gonna hear a struggle in the lyrics. Philosophically speaking I know right from wrong but I also realize you gotta live in this world so hence the spiritual dilemma.
I think most people can relate to that.
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Mike is a native First Coaster and was a leading figure in surfing and skateboarding for most of his life. After promoting music for many years on the local music scene, Mike now brings a unique perspective to FirstCoast.Life as a contributing writer.