What’s your name and what fills your time?
Leslie Weed. I spend time working with the foundation my husband Bobby and I founded in 2004, HEAL Foundation Helping Enrich Autistic Lives, inspired by our daughter Lanier, non-verbal and profoundly affected by her autism.
Tell us a little about your background story and how you got here (First Coast).

I am a Florida Native, born and raised in Vero Beach. College summers were spent as an ocean lifeguard on Amelia Island. I met my husband Bobby (Golf Course Architect) on a blind golf date set up by mutual friends. One year later we were married and began our life in Ponte Vedra Beach, raising our three girls Haley (32), Carlisle (31) and Lanier (26).
Anything special going on for this summer?
My summers are filled with FUN! Our foundation HEAL, funds 15 special camps with over 300 participants with disabilities. Most noted camps are the 17th Annual HEAL Surf Camp in Neptune Beach and HUG Help Us Golf – Golf Camp at TPC Sawgrass.

Any hobbies or interests worth telling us about?
I stay busy with the HEAL Foundation. I also love boating, playing golf and visiting our family farm in Waynesville, NC. for rest and respite.

What’s one thing (funny, different, cool) that many might not know about you?
In 2016 Beaches Historical Society recognized me as a “Beaches Legend”, it was a HUGE honor to be selected among successful locals who have made great contributions in our area.
In 1987 at age 27, I opened “Suits Me Fine” Swimwear and Resort wear shops in Amelia Island and Sawgrass Village in Ponte Vedra with over 2000 swimsuits, making sure all the “babes on the beaches” were looking fabulous! I owned and operated “Suits Me Fine” for 10 fun years, it was a blast!

How do you like living on the First Coast?
We are so fortunate to be surrounded by beauty; the beaches, marshes, rivers and golf courses. I love the casual active lifestyle and my favorite thing is walking on the beach at sunrise.
Anything else that you would like to tell the community?
I am blown away and blessed by the awesome and caring locals in their love and support of our foundation. A small example: When we asked for local support for our 17th annual HEAL surf camp – 30 sponsors funded the camp and over 100 volunteers showed up for two consecutive days for a SUNderFULL, WONderFULL, FUNderFULL time helping locals with disabilities to surf!

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Mike is a native First Coaster and was a leading figure in surfing and skateboarding for most of his life. After promoting music for many years on the local music scene, Mike now brings a unique perspective to FirstCoast.Life as a contributing writer.