Meet David Hall Jax Beach Photographer – Capturing Dawn’s Beauty
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Meet David Hall Jax Beach Photographer – Capturing Dawn’s Beauty

- edited by: Glenn Shuck

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With my three beloved dogs by my side, every morning becomes an adventure as we explore the shorelines and witness the breathtaking spectacle of sunrise. Through my lens, I capture these moments of serenity and the ever-changing canvas of colors that paint the sky at dawn. As a local, the beach isn’t just a backdrop; it’s woven into the fabric of my life, inspiring me daily to cherish nature’s beauty and share it with others through my photography.

Full Name: David Hall
“Capturing Dawn’s Beauty: I Love Taking Sunrise Pictures”

Great to finally catch up with you Dave! So tell us, in what part of First Coast do you reside now and how long have you lived there? 

Jacksonville Beach, Florida. I have been on the beaches on and off my entire life. My mother was a Neptune Beach local. We have lived in Jacksonville Beach now for 13 years. 

What is your favorite part of the First Coast to photograph

Easy, the amazing work everyone does! The work our locals do is world-class. 

What type of equipment do you use? 

Funny, folks always think I have a big photography set up. I use only 2 pieces of equipment, a GoPro and an Apple iPhone 15 Pro. The iPhone camera continues to get better with each release. 

How long have you been part of the hobby? 

Funny story, my hobby started years ago when I went out to surf in the mornings and took a sunrise picture. Someone said you should start a site to put up your photos and that was like 7 years ago. 

Do you do any type of planning before you head out to take photos or do you just wing it? 

Wing it every day. No way you can plan for these epic sunrises we get here. 

Are there any constants in your photography, if so what are they? (ie. subjects, editing, lens, etc.) 

I always try to capture the full morning sunrise. The only constant is the sun rises. 

How would you describe your style of photography? 

I have never taken classes or training on photography so I guess you call it a self-taught style. 

Do you edit your photos right after your shoot or do you let them sit for a while? 

Let them sit. I will use an AI program to reduce noise but that is about as deep as I get into editing. 

Where is your favorite place (or type of place) to take photos? 

Really any spot on our beaches is great for sunrises. If I know a storm is coming and the clouds will be heavy I try to use the natural beach access points for shots. The pier is always good too in certain weather events. 

If you could live in any decade (with your current photographic gear), which one would it be and why?

Would have to be during the 50’s. Could you imagine capturing our Country’s growth with an iPhone 15? It would be amazing! I think those were the greatest times of this Country. 

What photographer (current or historical) do you draw the most inspiration from? 

I really don’t follow anyone in particular. I guess Ansel Adams would be someone who I admire for his nature work. 

What do you think is the most important component to producing great results? (camera, lens, light, editing, location, artistic vision, etc.) 

People ask me this all the time how do I get my shots? I always try to look at the full picture and capture as much as possible. Having an eye for perspective does help. 

Is there a ritual that you use to get into a creative zone? 

Ya. It’s called getting to the beach before sunrise with 3 dogs (one is a puppy right now). That alone is more of an event than a ritual. Trust me, trying to get them all loaded up and on the beach before sunrise is an event and ritual in itself. 

What outside (non-photographic) influences (if any) shape your photography? 

I let 6 Cancer Treatment Centers use my photos for the patients. I have been told it relaxes them during Chemo Treatments. That gives me a lot of motivation to get some great shots! 

What advice would you give someone who just picked up their new camera on how to get started?

Just have fun. Find a mentor who is local and work with them. I have seen so many people invest a lot of money into photography and give it up too quickly. Also, take pictures of what you like.  

What is the goal of your photography? (A business, just to share on social media, gateway to adventure, etc.)

To share my photos with the world and most important to help those cancer patients getting treatment. I have never made a penny off my work and don’t plan to. 

Do you shoot with your editing style in mind, or do you edit based on the shot that you got? 

I will take about 4 shots of what I see and pick the best and make the AI edits. 

Do you prefer to photograph alone, or in a group? 

Alone. I have had people come follow me and it kind of takes away from the moment. 

How do you feel like social media has changed photography and do you think it’s a good or bad thing?

No. I have first-hand seen how Social Media can benefit people and help them. I have had a lot of my work used (without anyone asking to use my work) in hotels, murals and other media and people will call me to show me and it does make me smile. Recently my work was used in San Francisco as a giant mural and it did look really cool.  

What is the best way for photographers to network? 

Social Media for sure is the fastest way to meet others. 

Do you enjoy books? If so, any specific genre? 

I do. I am a history buff and like anything from the past. 

What is your favorite photographic accomplishment? 

I have won many front page cover issues, and been sponsored by GoPro (free gear) but knowing my work is in use at Cancer Treatment Centers throughout the USA is the best accomplishment for me. 

If you had a question you would like to ask another photographer what would it be? 

I always like to ask them about their gear. Every time I meet someone on the beach with a setup you can hear me ask them what is it and what does it do. 

What’s the best thing for you about living on the First Coast? 

Our beaches are amazing and the nature on our beaches is off the charts. The locals are nice too and that is cool. 

Is there anything else that you want to tell everyone? 

Get out to as many sunrises as you can. It will change your life for sure when you see a different painting from God every day. 

How can we see your work? 

Facebook is my big site – North Florida Beach Pictures. 

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