Rambler Kane – PorchFest 2024
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Rambler Kane – PorchFest 2024

- edited by: Mike Kaufmann

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Rambler Kane is a singer-songwriter from Jacksonville, FL who presents a spirited blend of Americana. “I think my songs come from wherever country, folk, blues and soul all meet up and talk,” Kane says. “I just hope to make that kind of music, the kind that makes you feel something.” Kane quit his job to pursue the music that’s been pulling at him for years, with dreams of being a full-time traveling troubadour. His first full-length album, “Live at Blue Jay Listening Room” was released on May 10th.

Rambler Kane Reflects on the First Coast

Rambler Kane

Thanks for your time. So tell us in what part of the First Coast do you reside now and how long have you lived there?
I live in Jacksonville, and I’ve been here pretty much my whole life. Minus my 3 years in Macon, Georgia, Jacksonville’s always been home.

When did you know you had an interest in music?
I’ve always loved music, from the time I was a kid. I can remember singing along in the backseat of the car to a bunch of soul music and Motown. I think I started playing guitar around age 11 or so. And I messed around with writing songs for a long while, but didn’t really dive in on the acoustic guitar and take songwriting seriously until later on. But it’s always been a part of me. I always knew in the back of my mind it’s what I wanted to do. I just didn’t have the courage – or delusional thinking – to really give it a go until a few years ago, thanks to encouragement from some friends.

Did you start with any specific instrument and migrate to other instruments?
I started on guitar and that’s about all I can play. My brother taught me a few chords when I was 11 or 12, and I’ve been pretty hooked ever since.

Are you currently in a band (or bands)?
A lot of times I’m still playing solo for now out of necessity, but I’ve been very lucky to have 2 incredibly talented musicians playing with me some too. Clayton Nile Young on fiddle, who just so happens to be my favorite songwriter right now. I get to play guitar for him sometimes as well. And Sushi on upright bass, who is absolutely incredible. I can’t wait to play PorchFest with those guys, it’s going to be a blast.

Who is your favorite musician or what musician influenced you the most?
I love a lot of different kinds of music, but Townes Van Zandt is sort of the reason I started chasing this thing. His fingerpicking and songwriting kind of got me into this sort of genre of music in the first place. His “Live at The Old Quarter” album changed my life. And John Craigie – he’s a big influence on me too not just in his songwriting, but in his story and his whole approach really. He’s inspiring. I don’t think I would have had the courage to even try to record a live album I don’t think if it weren’t for Craigie and hearing his live albums. So I’d say Townes and Craigie.

Are there any specific memories or highlights of your career that you would like to tell us about?
It’s funny, but for most of my life I was too afraid to play in front of people, so really every time I play a show or a gig I kind of take it as a big win. Or try to remind myself how lucky I am. I remember every night really well, including the bad ones. But recording “Live at Blue Jay Listening Room” is the memory and highlight of a lifetime for me. It’s not just a record I’m proud of, it was sort of a cathartic experience. It took me so long just to try this music thing, and so to get through that night with my family and friends there to support – I can’t even put it into words. And now I’ve got a live album out there in the world. So receiving messages or emails from people who find it, and reach out to tell me something on it spoke to them deeply is really special to me. I think I’ll always look back on that as the highlight of my career, no matter what happens.

What area bands or musicians are at the top of your list to go out to hear?
Oh no, I’m definitely going to leave somebody off, there’s so much talent here right now! Clayton Nile Young, Blossomin’ Bone, Sunriver, Robbie Dammit, Jessica Hope, Sun Child, Jackie Stranger, Roadie, Lauren Woodall, Megan McKenzie. That feels like a good starting point, but I know there’s a lot more. I try and go out to listen as often as I can.

Do you have a favorite venue that you enjoy playing locally?
I love them all, but I’d have to say Blue Jay Listening Room is probably my favorite. I might be a little bit biased having recorded an album there, but as a songwriter, to me there’s just nothing quite like it.

Do you have any gigs coming up to tell our readers about?
Jacksonville PorchFest! November 9th! I’m so excited to have Clayton and Sushi with me on fiddle and bass, that one’s going to be a blast.

And then on December 7th, I’m excited to be opening for Dave Simonett from Trampled by Turtles – which I’m still getting used to saying out loud. That one is at Intuition for their anniversary, it’s an early show, doors open at 12:00 and entry is free / all ages.

What is the best way for musicians to network?
Open mics and shows.

Are there any local venue owners/managers that you would like to rave about?
I think they all do an incredible job. This whole area feels pretty special in that regard. But it’s not lost on me how much Cara at Blue Jay has done, not just for me but our entire music community. Christina at Rain Dogs is also that way. Lisa Thomas is that way. Tim Hall. Brad at Intuition. Lauren at BrewHound. We are very fortunate to have lot of good people that work hard to support local artists.

If you had a question you would like to ask another musician what would it be?
I’d ask Townes Van Zandt and Blaze Foley if I’m on the right track or not.

Personal hobbies or interests? Family?
I like reading and writing as much as anything else. Not just song lyrics, but stories too. I’m researching and working on a story right now that I hope to turn into a concept album eventually. I also love trivia and movies, so I go enjoy those with friends. And I’m a big sports fan, so going to or watching the Jags or Braves with friends or family is always fun. My parents and sister are here in Jacksonville, and my brother is in Atlanta. And I’m a proud uncle to 5 nieces and nephews.

What’s the best thing for you about living on the First Coast?
The people. I don’t know if it’s the river or the beaches or the sunshine, but most people here are kind. It feels like the biggest small town in the world.

Where and how can folks learn more about you and/or your band? Links to your website?
My website is ramblerkane.com and my Instagram is @ramblerkane.

Is there anything else that you want to tell everyone reading this?
I guess I’d just encourage anyone reading this to go support their local venues and live music wherever they live. There’s not a week that goes by that I’m not inspired by someone in Jacksonville or St. Augustine musically. And as a fan of music, it’s usually those kind of shows I enjoy going to see the most, at the local venues and bars. It’s also really important from a community perspective – I don’t think any of us wants to wake up 10 years from now and all the small venues are gone. We need these venues, and the people running them. They’re one of the biggest pieces of what makes a community thrive in my opinion. You don’t have to be at some big arena in New York or LA or Nashville to have your mind blown at a show. Some band or artist is out there tonight doing it I bet.

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