What’s your name and what fills your time?
Ann LeFiles! Anyone who has kids knows that kids fill all of your time! I have a 9th grader and a first grader! My 14-year-old is very active in sports and that takes up every weekend at the ballfield during baseball season. My 6-year-old loves to travel and experience life…I try and give her all the opportunities I can! My husband and I run two very different businesses but we help each other out when we can. We both try to be present for all of our kids activities, and hang out with friends, and family. We have a 5th wheel and enjoy “glamping” and are looking to buy a boat soon so we can spend some time on the water fishing because both of our kids love it.
Tell us a little about your background story and how you got here.
I moved to Neptune Beach in 2006 following love after I swore I would never, ever, live in Florida. I came via Nashville/Chicago and I really saw myself as a big-city girl. The relationship didn’t last but I absolutely fell in love with NEFL. It was a total hidden gem. The big oak trees mixed with pine trees were a far cry from the concrete jungle of South Florida and previous Florida experiences. The beach, back then, had a total vibe that was different from anything I ever experienced. The fact that I had to wear sunglasses every day had me hooked. Even though the relationship didn’t last…my love for Northeast Florida did! And love found me 5 years later 😊
Anything special going on for this summer?
I took my daughter to Europe this summer. We spent time in Italy, Greece and Turkey. Travel motivates me – I love to experience history and other countries. I also fall in love with our area each time I visit a new place too. Each Summer I try and focus on my kids. Time is a thief and before you know it they are grown up and on the verge of becoming adults. You only get 18 summers to enjoy your kids…as kids. So I try and focus on quality time with them and making memories.

Any hobbies or interests worth telling us about?
I am a huge book listener! I have listened to over 100 books this year already. I find it easy to listen in the car, walking the dog, getting ready or even making dinner! Traveling and seeing new things is a huge passion of mine and what drives me! I am going to visit my 48 and 49 state this year – visiting all 50 is a big goal of mine!
What keeps you busy these days?
My kids are active in sports and activities so getting them to and from places keeps me busy after the school day is over.

What’s one thing (funny, different, cool) that many might not know about you?
Florida is the 8th state I have lived in…but I plan on making it my forever state! My husband worked in the music industry when we met. We have a lot of stories of concerts, touring, and famous people. The memories are great but getting out of the business in 2018 was the best decision we ever made!
How do you like living on the First Coast?
I love it! The people, the weather, the outside activity options is exactly what my soul needs. It’s a great place to live and raise a family!
What’s the best part of living here on the First Coast?
The people make the community and NEFL has attracted and developed some incredible people who strive to make this a place everyone wants to live. And the weather keeps everyone here and happy!
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Mike is a native First Coaster and was a leading figure in surfing and skateboarding for most of his life. After promoting music for many years on the local music scene, Mike now brings a unique perspective to FirstCoast.Life as a contributing writer.