What’s your name and what fills your time?
Dick Rosborough. I’m 73 ½ years old and I’m definitely a day person. I like to say that I am a GSF guy; golf, surf and fish! It takes about four hours to play eighteen holes, when there’s waves I’ll surf however long I can and I can fish off my dock so I keep my days pretty busy. Oh yeah, I shape surfboards too. I like to wear myself out during the day so I sleep good at night!

Anything special going on for this summer?
Nothing special planned for the summer and it’s funny because throughout the summer months we don’t have much in the way of good surf so I get a lot of surfboards made in the summer. When September and October roll around I play more golf than usual because the weather gets so nice.

How do you like living on the First Coast?
I love it here in North Florida. Of course I was born here and grew up here, but I did live in Hawaii for fifteen years where I got to surf a lot and honed my shaping skills, but in the end, Jacksonville is home and I feel like we are far enough away from Miami and Tampa and Orlando that it makes this area special. There is so much coastline and waterfront area, I can fish in freshwater or saltwater, and I can surf, so it’s like Jacksonville is home and home is where the heart is so I love the First Coast.

What’s something cool or funny about you that most people probably don’t know?
I have an invisible personal secretary that people can’t see so I have someone to unload all of my problems on and vent to when I need some stress relief! No, I’m kidding, but I’m pretty much an open book so I can’t really think of anything for this. I guess at 73 ½ years old that just makes me a pretty boring guy, huh?!
Anything else that you would like to tell the community?

Well, I guess I should plug my surfboards! I make ROZO boards and you can buy them at Sunrise Surf Shop or call my buddy Mitch Kaufmann and work it out! No, I always say be positive and live right. Pay it forward or just do something nice when you can with no expectations of anything coming back. That makes life good and I wish you all the best. Peace!

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Mike is a native First Coaster and was a leading figure in surfing and skateboarding for most of his life. After promoting music for many years on the local music scene, Mike now brings a unique perspective to FirstCoast.Life as a contributing writer.