Patrick A. Rose
Over 60 years of making music.
What part of First Coast do you reside now and how long have you lived there?
Atlantic Beach, 30 years. What a vibrant, great community!
When did you know you had an interest in music
Pretty early in life. Dad bought me a piano when I was about 5. A big’ole honkin’ upright grand! We lived in Atlanta. I helped him push that beast up our street (Atlanta has HILLS!) and then down into our basement. Mom and Dad bought me piano lessons, and I still recall my first recital was a Tchaikovsy piece. Scared the heck out of me! I could always hear music in my head. Still do. Hard to shut it off!

Did you start with any specific instrument and migrate to other instruments?
Piano at age 5. We moved to Savannah in 1963. Christmas morning I got a guitar from the SEARS catalog ($19.95, with a red ROPE for a strap). Started my first band with that piece o crap… Ha! Then Dad and I went to a pawn shop and he got me a Kingston (OMG) electric guitar. Played that thang for a couple of years until I got a better guitar. My first GREAT amp was a Fender Super Reverb. I paid for it myself from gigs. My aunt gave me $50 to pay the last payment ! My band (“The Gents”) at that time was just a bunch of kids, but we took it seriously, rehearsed like crazy, got the tunes right, and wound up playing a surprising amount of really good gigs. I was 14-until 16. Then moved to Jax in 1967. The first musicians I met then was Derek Hess, Barry Harwood, Mouse, Eddie Criminger, Bob Lies, a few others. I was in awe at how GREAT they were!
Are you currently in a band (or bands)?
Last band was “Mid-Life Crisis”. We quit about 6 yrs ago. Everybody just had had enough. Still, a GREAT bunch of guys ! We played all over NE Fla., and opened for a bunch of big acts. We worked HARD at vocals, as well as our instruments. We would go to rehearsals with just one acoustic guitar and have “Choir Practice”, working on nothing but vocals, timing, enunciation, etc… INTENSE! Now, I do solo stuff, with a good PA system. Advice for upcoming bands- buy the BEST GEAR you can. Don’t compromise! It will reward you in the long run.
Who is your favorite musician or what musician influenced you the most?
So many! Ventures, Beatles, Stones, then ZZTop, Tommy Emmanuel, Doyle Dykes, Billy Bowers, Mike Shackelford, Al Monte, Steve Shanholtzer, Carla Holbrook… to name a few. When I was in college (Valdosta) I had a classmate, Mickey Thomas (Jefferson Starship). He came over one day and said, “Hey Pat, I’m headed out to California, got a gig , we need another guitar… wanna come?” I told him, “Nah, I’m with a band makin $200 a week! ” He said, OK, then”… Who knew? HAA! No regrets though!

Are there any specific memories or highlights of your career that you would like to tell us about?
Well, the trip to “Gitmo” to play for the troops was tops. I was with a country band at the time, and we actually were not that great, but when the agent told us what was on the agenda, nobody could say NO. Oh, Joel Hursey (GREAT pianist) was in that group! Another Band of mine opened for the Commodores at Mayport Naval Base on July 4. HUGE show! Big fun. Then, Mid-Life Crisis opened for Jefferson Starship, Loverboy, Orleans, Toto, at World Golf Village- about 30,000 peeps there… Great show!
What area bands or musicians are at the top of your list to go out to hear?
My wife and I love to get out when we can and listen to anyone who is playing. Luckily, Jacksonville boasts too many GREAT bands, solo artists, etc. to choose from. We are truly blessed in this town!
Do you have a favorite venue that you enjoy playing locally?
Nah… They are all good. Now, some of the folks who book and manage some places here could improve. There is just no excuse for double bookings, but it occurs more than people realize. People ought to take their jobs more seriously.

Do you have any gigs coming up to tell our readers about?
Well, I always post my gigs on my FB page. I’m gaining a bit of “seniority” now (gettin’ older), so I don’t take as many as I once did, but the love of playing just never goes away.
What is the best way for musicians to network?
Great question! One would think that with all the technical gadgetry and software nowadays that it would be easy. However, I’m old-school, and there is just nothing to replace talking/meeting face-to-face, and jamming in person. Those vibes ain’t going away any time soon.
Are there any local venue owners/managers that you would like to rave about?
Nah. There are so many great places here. Again, Jacksonville peeps probably do not know just how GOOD they got it! I mean, we have hundreds of pubs, restaurants, BIG venues…. If you cannot find entertainment here, you ain’t lookin!

If you had a question you would like to ask another musician what would it be?
Another great question! I suppose I would ask people like Hendrix, Morrison, Joplin and others, “WHY didn’t you quit them drugs?” Can anyone imagine how much MORE music they would have made?
Is there anything else that you want to tell everyone?
Being a musician is a tough, but immensely rewarding job. You are your own Roadie, P/R guy, agent, electrician, janitor, accountant, and anything else you can think of. Take it seriously! Practice yo’ ass off! Get the show right. Then, when you KNOW it is right, RELAX and enjoy what you do! For many years I was reticent to talk and open up with my audiences. I felt somehow inadequate. Ya’ gotta put those feelings to bed, and just tell your story. BE YOURSELF! God made a GREAT person in you! Let that shine! Anybody wants to talk to me, I’m here for ya! I want to help anyone I can!
Do you give lessons?
Yes, but on my terms. I usually do not charge for them, but there ARE exceptions.

Do you record others in your studio?
YES, but it’s a small (but GOOD) home studio. Call me for more info.
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Mike is a native First Coaster and was a leading figure in surfing and skateboarding for most of his life. After promoting music for many years on the local music scene, Mike now brings a unique perspective to FirstCoast.Life as a contributing writer.
2 Responses
From an old friend,
Best Wishes!
Pat is not only a friend, but quite an accomplished musician. One of the best I have ever heard. A true professional inside and out. Loved his Band-Mid Life Crisis, those guys were great. Pat went above and beyond the call of duty to help me out personally with a High school reunion, prepping me to sing in front of a large audience, including how to control my voice and how to walk while singing (?) amongst everything else. Pat even made a recording and critiqued me a few times til I got it right.
If you get a chance to hear Pat play around town, don’t hesitate, you won’t regret it-a wonderful show !