What’s your name and what fills your time?

Ginger Sheridan. I grew up on Duval Drive and 37th Avenue South, along with the Dancigers, the Kaufmanns, Dr. Sears, the Wlliams and the Stouts among others. As a child, I had no idea how amazing it was to have a lagoon in my backyard and the ocean across the street.
As an adult, I moved to Missouri, Alabama and then Ohio. In 1998, my spouse Ron and I moved back to Neptune Beach to be with my mother. I taught photography and art history for Jacksonville University for 20+ years, including annual study abroad programs in western Europe. I retired in 2021.

Anything special going on for this summer?
Nothing particularly interesting stands out this summer over any other time! It’s a great time of year for gardening so I spent time caring for my garden!
Any hobbies or interests worth telling us about?
After retiring, I became a master gardener through the UF Extension office. I now write Social Media posts – Tip Tuesdays and Theme Thursdays – on Florida Friendly Landscaping. I also volunteer for the Timucuan Park Foundations at their Jr. Anglers Fishing Clinics, held about 6 times a year. It is a great event that teaches young people to fish, free of charge, and gives them a decent rod and reel at the end of the workshop. I LOVE the cross-section of Jacksonville I meet there.

What’s one thing (funny, different, cool) that many might not know about you?
Though I never had children of my own, I now have four grandchildren. I am deeply grateful to fill this role in their lives.

What’s the best part of living here on the First Coast?
I love living on the First Coast. Though Jacksonville has grown by leaps and bounds, I can still find old Florida here. I feel extremely lucky to live at the beach. My mother bought the property in 1976 and held on to it. Otherwise, I could never afford it.

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Mike is a native First Coaster and was a leading figure in surfing and skateboarding for most of his life. After promoting music for many years on the local music scene, Mike now brings a unique perspective to FirstCoast.Life as a contributing writer.