What’s your name and what fills your time?

Pam Davidson. I was born at Baptist Beaches (before they closed down the maternity wing), and grew up in Royal Palm, just a few blocks from where my business is now located. My dad was in the Navy. He was riding on 1st Street with some friends when he saw my mom walking with some of hers. He offered her a cookie and the rest is history. I went to Atlantic Beach Elementary & Fletcher and am still close friends with a lot of the people I went to school with, even back from grade school. I work hard in my business and wear many hats. I am also a mother to Jason, Brandon and Sada, and a Gigi to my grandkids.
Any hobbies or interests worth telling us about?
My daughter, Sada, is a performer and has singing gigs all over the state. I am really proud of how far she has come, she just graduated from Fletcher this year. So we travel for gigs as well as support her locally. I love to take my grandkids to the beach.

Our business is ALWAYS busy, and we have grown from a one-woman show to a team. It’s great and takes a lot of energy & effort to keep things moving. My mom was an upholsterer, my dad was an automotive upholsterer. I learned from the best, and am a perfectionist in my craft. I love design, but I also love function!

My family has always owned property over on the Rainbow River. I recently renovated a 1970’s 2 bedroom trailer for AirBnB, called the Bougie Tin Can. I still spend as much time there as I can, I’ve made it a peaceful getaway in addition to renting it out. It is so peaceful there, just floating down the river, and I am able to enjoy the space I’ve created.

What’s one thing (funny, different, cool) that many might not know about you?
I am a pretty easygoing person and enjoy life. I was hit with back-to-back Thyroid and Breast cancer, so my perspective on life changed, going through these beasts and overcoming them. I try to live in gratitude for today, and not let the noise bother me. I help with fundraising for the Live Like Larry Foundation, a local group that was named for a former classmate. It is run by locals and generously hosted by local business owners to raise money for children suffering from cancer. It is special to be a part of this.

How do you like living on the First Coast?
I am truly a local, my circles started with my parents and their circles, and now my kids have grown into their own, local circles. You don’t really appreciate it all until you’re older. I remember a lot of empty spaces here at the beach, a sleepy little place that now is a bustling community. A lot of people moved away, just to come back later at some point, because we are a great community.

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Mike is a native First Coaster and was a leading figure in surfing and skateboarding for most of his life. After promoting music for many years on the local music scene, Mike now brings a unique perspective to FirstCoast.Life as a contributing writer.