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Website Need Updating? Follow This 1:8 Rule
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Website Need Updating? Follow This 1:8 Rule

- edited by: Glenn Shuck

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I work with a lot of businesses (both big and small) and realized that many of them haven’t updated their website in years.

I’ve seen it all. Old graphics. Complicated site maps. Homepages that don’t really explain what I need to do as a customer…

Any time I ran into one of these sites, I always got the feeling that they were leaving money on the table. I did some digging and found out I wasn’t alone.

There are some surprising statistics about outdated websites online…

  • If your website is outdated, 81% of visitors will judge your business for it
  • You could be losing 60% of your business via online traffic
  • And, well, 23% of businesses actually don’t even have a website

If you’re wondering whether your site is considered outdated… see if your homepage contains these 8 critical elements proven to convert your visitors to customers.   

  1. A headline/subhead combo that concisely states your business benefit
  2. The customer pain point (a section that discusses the pain/problems customers are facing)
  3. The value proposition AKA the one thing you do better than the rest
  4. The About section where you introduce yourself or your brand
  5. The plan that shows a clear path to do business with you in a 1-2-3 step format
  6. A long section with a story about you or your business
  7. An optional video
  8. Price choices or general pricing for full transparency

BONUS! Include any additional info (such as policies, links to other sites/businesses, etc.) to give yourself an SEO boost.

We’re at a point where digital marketing is critical for a business’s growth. Keep your website nice and tidy, and update it regularly with information your customers need and you should see more customers in no time.

Happy updating! And call us any time to help. We have a team of expert storytellers and marketing folks ready to assist …

Suggest a Story: FCL is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so when you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.

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