Who Let The Dogs Out?
Judge John: Sand Life Law Who Let The Dogs Out?! There’s a reason for the saying huMan’s best friend. Each reader will likely have had
Judge John: Sand Life Law Who Let The Dogs Out?! There’s a reason for the saying huMan’s best friend. Each reader will likely have had
Introduction: We met Bill years ago through our marketing consulting circles… He’s been very successful helping hundreds of small businesses, and will be writing weekly
JUDGE JOHN: Observations on laws that affect living at the Beaches “The Importance of Sea Oats” “Daddy, there’s a lady on the dunes waving Sea
Rapid Fire. Tell Us a Little About Yourself: I grew up down the road in Green Cove Springs after being “chosen” adopted by my parents.
MA BELL (Landline Telephone) and her daughter ANN DROID (Smart Phone) MA BELL: Ann, where do you think you’re going so early in the morning?
You know the old saying…”I’ve been thrown out of better places than this!” How about getting tossed out of a five star resort? By bouncers?
It’s often said that music can change the world. Denton Elkins was the kind of musician who could do just that. Elkins had a presence
“I’ll be 60 this year—that’s so old!” I mused to myself. It was just past midnight January 1, 2006. Preoccupied with thoughts of becoming a
I first met Spade McQuade at Fly’s Tie in Atlantic Beach when he had a weekly show there. All of the fans in the room would
How long have you lived at the First Coast? Moved here from the San Francisco, CA Bay Area 5 years ago. What part of First
How long have you lived at the First Coast? I am a 14 year resident of the FC! Moved here to get out of the
I was introduced to someone once as a music promoter and while it’s true, I did promote music, that title just didn’t seem fitting as
“Covering” Beach Living in NE Florida. First Coast’s 1st Digital Only Storytelling Magazine promoting everything good about our people and places.
We are passionate about supporting the arts, buying local, and sharing authentic stories & amazing images that will engage and inspire our wonderful community.
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