Owner: Cameren Cloutier

How old are you and where do you live on the First Coast?
I am one and a half and living in Jacksonville, FL
What breed are you? Do you even know? Best Guess?
I’m a TIGER! Duh…

So how did you come to the Cloutier family?
My mom and dad lost one of their furbabies, and when mom was returning his special food I came in from the humane society. She was looking for a cuddly cat and I totally fouled her! I sat in her lap and purred and purred.. then she brought me home and I refused to be picked up or even cuddle.

Describe your pawfect day
My Pawfect day is getting wet food all day while looking out an open window. May get to run outside for a little and chase some squirrels and lizards. I definitely will need to nap in my dad’s sock drawer after the chasing… Oh and play pool! I love playing pool!!

What things don’t you like?
I hate chicken-flavored food. That stuff is for the birds.. I can’t stand when my humans pick me up.. like just let me come to you meow and get a few pets then leave me alone. Hello! I am not just a pet..
Are you ever naughty?
No, I am the baby. Everything is my brother’s fault.

Favorite walk?
This one time Mom put me on my Kitty leash, while we were walking I saw this huge lizard, and I do mean huge! He was like the size of my arm! Well, my mom wasn’t paying me much attention and I pounced! Ripped the leash out of her hand and chased that lizard for a good block. Mom was yelling and screaming because there are dogs in the neighborhood and she didn’t want me to get attacked. I didn’t and I got that lizard! The best day ever!!!!
Any little pups?
UGH… No, I am a cat… and I am to spoiled to have Kittens.. they will take away from me time.

What do your Pawparents do?
My mom sits at home and talks on the phone all day.. It really interferes with my pets.. My dad comes and goes, but when he is here he lets me sit by his computer while he yells at them for not doing a raid right.
What’s the best thing for you about living on the First Coast?
LIZARDS!!!!! and the sunshine
Anything else to tell the other dog families? Favorite charities? Favorite Veterinarians?
Saint Francis is the best. They give me yummy treats when I am there and always tell me how pretty I am.
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Author of more than 28 dog and dog training books, writer of hundreds of dogcentric magazine articles, and internationally awarded pet photographer of more than 1000 canines, Joan H. Walker relates that her life has literally gone to the dogs.
When she’s not photographing or writing about dogs, she is, you guessed it, spending time with her dogs. Walker is currently owned by four Havanese and is the chief pawtographer at Jacksonville, Florida’s The PAWtographers.